Smart contract-the coded agreement written smartly

With wide applicability and trusted agreements, the smart contract is going to revolutionize your business platform.

About Epixel Solutions

A general agreement between the parties is always necessary as it gives the exact details of a deal or token sales. A smart contract is similar to such an agreement in the blockchain world where multiple parties will get into a coded agreement with a trigger point and expiration period. Epixel smart contract Development Company offers smart contract and token development services with a simple process.

What is a smart contract and how to create a contract?

A smart contract is a computer protocol written in codes as an open agreement between the parties available within a blockchain network. These set of codes are meant to act as a virtual contract with certain rules or regulations set by the owner or admin. It can be defined as a set of rules in blockchain network on how the contract works.

And in the case of token development, the smart contract has its key role. Tokens are usually a marker used for investments, exchanges, trading etc. And this token holds a value with a similar weight of an asset; it owes you that value for a long period of time. Say, if you’re into token sales, it’s obvious that you open the ICO event to the investment world for such purpose. We shall explain the smart contract process through the token sales scenario,

Smart Contract Diagram

Smart contract use-cases

Get benefited with smart contracts, whatever the business you deal with.

Financial Institutions / Bank
Financial Institutions / Bank
Insurance sector
Insurance sector
Supply chain management
Supply chain management
Real estate/Mortar
Real estate/Mortar
Transportation / Shipping segment
Transportation / Shipping segment

Well, the complete use-cases are not included here. The wide applicability makes the Ethereum-based smart contracts more useful in blockchain level enterprises.

Benefits of using smart contracts

A smart contract does have many benefits over the normal contracts / rules and they are,

Transparent and open for network
No third party involvement
High security
Complete transaction history available
The building block of business regulations
Token sales trigger point

Alongside with smart contract development, we’re also offering token development services that can make your blockchain business a grant success. With our effective team of developers, designers, analysts, researchers and supporting team we offer a complete blockchain solution.